Acute events were followed by 72 deaths per year per 100,000 adults ages 40 to 75 years. The largest number of deaths followed a new diagnosis of heart disease in the ambulatory setting. The second largest number of deaths followed hospitalization for HF with an LVEF ≤35%. Less than 10% of the deaths followed hospitalization for STEMI. The same was true for hospitalization for nSTEMI.
Potential Impact of Increasing Specific Interventions
The outcome of interest used in this analysis, DPP, is an accepted outcome that has been used to estimate the source of the change in deaths from heart disease in the US and several other countries.
5–9 The number of DPP with optimal care was calculated as follows:
DPPoptimal care = (expected mortality reduction when the intervention is implemented) X (mortality)
X (1 - current implementation rate
1) X (number in the population).
Prevalence pools: The potential to increase the DPP by optimizing care for patients with prevalent CAD and/or HF and an LVEF >35% would be 31.9 deaths (plausible range, 8.1 to 82.3) (
Table 4). Nearly 90% of these patients were taking aspirin and beta-blockers, and three-quarters or more were taking statins and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and were tobacco-free. However, only one-third of patients were physically active. Among the interventions, keeping patients physically active would contribute the largest DPP.
10 The impact of optimizing physical activity was followed by abstaining from tobacco,
11 and increasing use of ACE inhibitors,
12 aspirin,
13 beta-blockers,
14 and statins.
15 The potential to increase DPP by optimizing care for patients with prevalent CAD and/or HF and an LVEF ≤35% would be 20.1 (plausible range, 6.20 to 35.7). Nearly 80% of these patients were taking aspirin, beta-blockers, and ACE inhibitors; two-thirds or more were taking statins and were tobacco-free. However, only one-third were physically active. Implantable cardio-verter-defibrillators (ICDs) or biventricular pacemakers were implanted in only about 40%, and only 20% were taking spironolactone. As with patients with an LVEF >35%, the largest increase in DPP would be achieved by keeping patients physically active.
16 Optimizing the use of ICDs or biventricular pacemakers would contribute a DPP of 6.50.
17 The impact of increasing spironolactone use would be nearly the same,
18 with abstaining from tobacco
11 and increasing the use of beta-blockers,
19 ACE inhibitors,
20 aspirin,
13 and statins
15 having less impact.
… the largest opportunity to increase the deaths prevented or postponed would accrue from optimizing care for ambulatory patients.
Acute events: For patients hospitalized with STEMI, the DPP achieved by optimizing care would be 0.70 (
Table 5). Nearly 100% of patients presenting with STEMI were given aspirin, beta-blockers, statins, rescue angioplasty, and a prescription to participate in cardiac rehabilitation. Two-thirds of patients had quit smoking at the time of the STEMI, and 80% were given ACE inhibitors. The largest increase in DPP would accrue from increasing abstinence from tobacco,
11 followed by increasing ACE inhibitor use.
21 Because all patients receive rescue angioplasty, rescue thrombolysis would have no effect.
22 Optimizing care for acute HF with an LVEF ≤35% has the potential to yield a combined DPP of 9.6 (plausible range, 2.5 to 21.6). Nearly 100% of these patients were given ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers; more than 85% were given aspirin, nearly 75% were given statins and were abstaining from tobacco at the time of hospitalization. However, only 30% were given spi-ronolactone, and less than 20% participated in cardiac rehabilitation. The largest increase in DPP would come from increasing enrollment in cardiac rehabilitation
23 followed by a prescription of spironolactone,
18 abstaining from tobacco,
11 and using statins
24 and aspirin.
13 Because beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors are already used in nearly 100% of patients, increasing the use of these medications would increase the DPP to a very limited extent.
19,20The combined potential to increase the DPP for patients hospitalized with an nSTEMI could be as large as 1.4 (plausible range, 0.1 to 4.5). Nearly 100% of these patients were given aspirin, beta-blockers, and statins; three-fourths were given clopidogrel and ACE inhibitors. However, only 50% were acutely revascular-ized, nearly 25% were still smoking, only two-thirds of patients participated in cardiac rehabilitation, and 40% were not given a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor. The largest potential increase in DPP would accrue from increased immediate revascularization,
25 followed by increasing abstinence from tobacco,
11 increasing participation in cardiac rehabilitation,
26 and prescribing IIb/IIIa inhibitors,
27 clopidogrel,
28 and ACE inhibitors.
21The combined potential to increase DPP for patients hospitalized with UA could be as large as 2.8 (plausible range, 0.1 to 11.3). Nearly 100% of these patients were given aspirin and beta-blockers, and roughly 80% were given statins and ACE inhibitors. However, only 60% participated in cardiac rehabilitation, and nearly 10% continued to smoke. The largest increase in DPP would come from increasing participation in cardiac rehabilitation,
26 followed by increasing abstinence from tobacco,
11 and increasing the use of statins,
15 ACE inhibitors,
21 and aspirin.
13The combined potential increase in DPP for patients in CAD and/or HF newly diagnosed in the ambulatory setting was 9.7 (plausible range, 1.9 to 24.8). More than 90% of these patients were given a prescription for aspirin, and three-fourths were given beta-blockers and statins. However, only about 15% of the patients participated in cardiac rehabilitation, one-fourth continued to smoke, and one-third were not given a prescription for ACE inhibitors. The largest increase in DPP would come from increasing participation in cardiac rehabilitation
26 followed by increasing abstinence from tobacco
11 and increasing the use of beta-blockers,
14 ACE inhibitors,
29 statins,
15 and aspirin.
13The relative magnitude of opportunities to improve outcomes: Among the two ambulatory populations with stable CAD and/or HF and the four types of acute events, the largest opportunity to increase the DPP would accrue from optimizing care for ambulatory patients (
Figure 2). Nearly 70% of the total potential increase in DPP by optimizing care would accrue from the two pools of ambulatory patients. With the exception of more aggressive treatment of acute HF with an LVEF ≤35%, very little improvement would be expected from further improvements in care for patients with acute events. Only about 2% of the potential increase in DPP is predicted to accrue from improved care for patients experiencing a STEMI or nSTEMI.
Sensitivity analysis: With the exception of eliminating environmental tobacco smoke exposure, optimizing any single intervention for patients in the two prevalence pools would have a larger impact than optimizing all interventions for STEMI and nSTEMI combined. However, the impact of improving care for patients hospitalized with HF could be as large as improving care for patients with ambulatory presentations.